So after a good night of pizza, few beers and an a55-kicking on the pool table, it was time to show the boys what this walking lark was all about!!
Unfortunately though, as usual, I seem to draw the short straw ! I finally succumbed and donned the pink nuns outfit !
(Public Health Warning on photos below!)
Thankyou Donna for the donation, was worth the temporary humiliation! I think Henley and Job were thankful for the attention really !
As with previous, it was good to joined by some of the boys today, they had obvious been hearing me moaning & groaning for the last few weeks and so I was hoping for some tough terrain and undulating cliff edges all day ! They packed enough snacks to last a week! But they didn't last longer than mile 8!
Luckily for them though, the first 14/15 miles was a blissful little stroll across lush green fields and tarmac roads ! Sea views were not plentiful early on either as we walked past more refineries and old forts etc.
That pleasurable terrain would soon change though!
We also had the pleasure of catching up briefly with Chris & Tor, who popped into Angle to kindly quench my thirst ;)
And as usual, after stopping for "one of my five a day" - its difficult to get back up and continue !
In fairness though, the boys were struggling with their handbags !!!
After being treated to a somewhat luxurious trip around angle bay - my wish of difficult inclines etc came true - at last I could inflict some of the pain into my fellow walkers !
(Pre-season training!)
After 4 or 5 beastly hills we eventually caught sight of our destination - freshwater west !
Then, literally 5mins after the above picture was taken, it started raining !! Near miss!
20 miles later - I had hit the 4 weeks of walking mark !!
As my comrades set off, I was then met by Terry & Betty, my kind hosts.
After a sumptuous roast chicken dinner and homemade blackberry tart (how spoilt am I !!!) I retired for the evening and started to write this before it was too late !
I hear you got to get out again yesterday and watch Scarlett in the park etc which is fantastic. I know how much of an upheaval it is for you to do that and hope you're not in too much pain today/tomorrow.
I'm sure the photos of me in this costume today will make you chuckle!
I should've kept my mouth shut !!!!!
28 days down mate, the home straight definitely in sight now.....
Tomorrow, my sister joins me on the walk - Sis, god help you ;)
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